Making a wish on a fallen eyelash sounds sweet — unless what you're wishing for is more eyelashes. For such a small part of the body, lashes can take your face from 0 to 100 and has a pretty big impact on how many of us perceive our face.

Outside of cosmetic reasons for wanting a fuller lasher, identifying the reason behind accelerated lash loss can reveal vital information about our health such as underlying problems like autoimmune, thyroid, inflammatory, or even oncological conditions.

Bad Beauty Habits

Your makeup routine likely isn't hurting your lashes - it's forgetting to take it off at night that can cause a loss in fullness.

Hot eyelash curlers are what you should watch out for. Whether you own the kind that heats ups or warm yours with a blow dryer, never put anything hot near your eye as it can damage lashes, not to mention the potential burns it may cause.

Also, the eyelash extensions and the fake eyelashes are a culprit to why you are loosing your lashes. The glue fake eyelashes and extension can cause your normal lashes to be pulled out. The regular use of these lashes can make your natural lashes look thinner and shorter and cause premature fall outs.


If your lashes feel capital-| ITCHY and both lids look red and swollen, there's a solid chance you've got a case of blepharitis. It's the single most common reason for lash
loss. With blepharitis, clogged oil glands near the base of the eyelashes can lead to chronic inflammation and follicle dysfunction, therefore stopping lash growth. Practicing good eyelid hygiene will help with this.

Thyroid Conditions

The thyroid, a gland in the neck that controls the body's hormones, but sometimes those levels can get out of whack. Both hyperthyroidism (an overload of hormones) and hypothyroidism (too little) can cause lash loss as a potential symptom.


Have just a few eyelashes or none at all? It could stem from alopecia or another autoimmune condition. While alopecia can present in many ways, the condition inhibits hair growth on your body, head, or face. This disease causes the body to attack its own hair follicles, causing full, partial, or episodic hair loss.

Chronic Inflammatory Diseases

Similar to alopecia, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, a chronic inflammatory disease describes conditions where the body attacks itself can contribute to hair and lash loss and signal something larger at play.

Skin Cancers of the Eyelid

If you're missing lashes on a specific part of your eyelid but have normal fringe elsewhere, see a doctor straight away. Cancers on the eyelid can interrupt eyelash growth as these harmful cells spread. We advise practicing aggressive sun protection all the time no matter the weather. Even if it is cloudy, wearing sunglasses can protect the eyes and the skin of the lids.

What You Can Do to Speed Lash Growth

Lashes take about 90 days to grow from stem to stern, but it is possible to encourage that process along and prevent further lash loss.

Eyelid Hygiene: removing eye make-up every night using mild cleansers.

Hot Compresses: warm wash cloth over eye and eyelids to clean and soothes inflammation.

Happy Growing Hemp Lashes which contains anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties and the organic and healthy way to stimulate longer, thicker, fuller lashes and brows.



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